Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ashamed to admit I considered it a waste of time.

I received a call to action today from our President Obama to call my congressman/woman to ask for the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. I am ashamed to admit that although I am in support of repealing DADT, my first thought was "Why bother?" All my congressional representatives are Republicans and in this partisan, polarized country, my support of the DADT repeal will only fall on deaf ears. As with any other contact I've made to my GOP congressional reps, all I'll get in return is a form letter thanking me for sharing my feelings and spelling out in 2-3 paragraphs why they won't be voting to repeal DADT.

In the end, I decided to overcome my feeling of futility and make the call anyway. How can I complain silently and take no action? I'm fortunate to have been born in a territory of the U.S. and been granted citizenship at birth. I should not take my freedom for granted. I should use my freedom to take a stand against a policy that asks fellow U.S. citizens to hide who they are in order to serve and fight for the very freedom that enables me to be their advocate. If they can fight for me, if they can die for me, the least I can do is champion them by making what I now clearly see as a most worthwhile phone call.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The 90-Minute Solution: Live Like a Sprinter!

Heard of "ultradian rhythm"? Learn how making time for rest and renewal in your work day makes you more effective and efficient.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Untitled How Willow Creek Is Leading Evangelicals by Learning From the Business World #leadership

Sunday, December 5, 2010

NYTimes: Cleopatra’s Guide to Good Governance

OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR: Cleopatra’s Guide to Good Governance

The leadership advice Washington needs, from the life and experiences of Cleopatra VII.