11 Recommendations for the Entrepreneur’s Bookshelf: http://on.mash.to/fKHRF5 Which have you read? What others would you add?
See this Amp at http://bit.ly/fU8DYv
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11 Recommendations for the Entrepreneur’s Bookshelf: http://on.mash.to/fKHRF5 Which have you read? What others would you add?
Google's Greatest Innovation May Be Its Management Practice http://bit.ly/gDd2yg Great article about the need for multi-generational involvement and understanding in leadership. Could this be part of what keeps some companies/industries from innovating and changing?
A 10-Minute Guide to the U.S. Constitution
The Constitution has been in the news lately on several fronts. Health care, WikiLeaks, and gun rights have become central ...
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5 New Paradigms for a Socially Engaged Company: http://on.mash.to/fHcvcC